Thursday 170322

Team WOD For time, with a partner 30 synchro deadlifts 57.5/85 30 synchro bar-facing burpees 400-m run 20 synchro deadlifts 57.5/85 20 synchro bar-facing burpees 400-m run 10 synchro deadlifts 57.5/85 10 synchro bar-facing burpees 400-m run

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Tuesday 150322

Amrap 21 400/200/100-m run Max-rep strict pull-ups Each time you break a set of pull-ups, complete a run. from 0:00-7:00min run 400m, from 7:00-14:00min run 200m, from 14:00-21:00min run 100m.

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