Monday 260623

Benchmark RETEST! Conditioning challenge 10 minutes to establish max meters on a rower 1 min transition 10 minutes to establish max meters on assault bike

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Sunday 250623

TEAM 2 WOD Amrap 20 10 Kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls 16/248 box jumps 20/24inch6 sit-ups One partner completes a whole round at a time, then switch.Sprint!

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Wednesday 210623

HEAVY DAY Bench press 10-10-10-10-10 Intended Stimulus High volume, upper body bench pressing heavy day.All sets should be at 70% or greater of athletes’ 1-rep-max bench.Build to a heavy set. Lift once every 5:00

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Sunday 180623

TEAM 2 WOD 3 rounds for time with a partner 100-m synchro walking lunge200 double-unders400-m med-ball carry 14/20lbs Break up the double-unders between partners and switch who carries the ball as needed

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Saturday 170623

2 rounds for time 10 hand-release push-ups20 alternating hang DB power cleans 15/22.510 hand-release push-ups800/1,000-m row Use a single DB

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