Saturday 160722
Happy Star For time 300-m run5 burpee box overs 20/245 thrusters 42.5/62.5 300-m run7 burpee box overs7 thrusters (47.5/65 300-m run9 burpee box overs9 thrusters 50/70 300-m run11 burpee box overs11 thrusters (52.5/75
Lees meerFriday 080722
For time 30 toes-to-bars30-meter KB front rack lunge 24/3220 toes-to-bars20-meter KB front rack lunge10 toes-to-bars10-meter KB front rack lunge
Lees meerThursday 070722
5 sets for load 5 weighted strict pull-ups5 weighted strict ring dips
Lees meerWednesday 060722
3 rounds for reps 1:30 air squats1:30 sit-ups1:30 calorie row
Lees meerTuesday 050722
5 rounds for time 25 push presses 25/35 50 double-unders
Lees meerMonday 040722
Lumberjack 20 20 deadlifts 85/125400-m run20 KB swings 25/32.5400-m run20 overhead squats 35/52.5400-m run20 burpees400-m run20 chest-to-bar pull-ups400-m run20 box jumps 20/24400-m run20 DB squat cleans 12.5/20400-m run
Lees meerSunday 030722
3 rounds for time with a partner of:6 rope climbs18 hang power cleans 55/8554 bar-facing burpees Resting partner holds a plank in a push-up position
Lees meerSaturday 020722
On a 14:00 clock 1,600-m run Amrap in the remaining time of:10 double KB deadlifts 16/2420 sit-ups
Lees meerFriday 010722
For time 27-21-15-9Calorie rowThrusters 30/42.5
Lees meerThursday 300622
10 rounds for time 7 toes-to-bars7 hand-release push-ups7 pull-ups
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