Sunday 260323

TEAM WOD 5 rounds for time with a partner 20 front squats 35/52.5kg30 kettlebell swings 24/32kg40 partner medicine-ball sit-ups 14/20lbs Split the squats and swings as needed; one partner works at a timeAlternate reps on the sit-ups

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Sunday 120323

For time: 40 hang power cleans 70/102.580 alternating single-leg squats2,100/3,000-m row or 3,500/5,000-m assault bike

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Friday 100323

For time 100 air squats5 handstand push-ups7.6-m handstand walk75 air squats10 handstand push-ups7.6-m handstand walk50 air squats15 handstand push-ups7.6-m handstand walk25 air squats20 handstand push-ups7.6-m handstand walk

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Wednesday 080323

For time 25 DB power snatches left-arm 15/22.525 DB power snatches right-arm50 sit-ups20 DB power snatches left-arm20 DB power snatches right-arm40 sit-ups15 DB power snatches left-arm15 DB power snatches right-arm30 sit-ups10 DB power snatches left-arm10 DB power snatches right-arm20 sit-ups5 DB power snatches left-arm5 DB power snatches right-arm10 sit-ups

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