Berichten door Dennis Tanamal
Wednesday 290622
HEAVY DAY Overhead squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 start around 70% and increase every round
Lees meerTuesday 280622
3 rounds for time: 15 push jerks 47.5/7015 box jump-overs 20/24
Lees meerMonday 270622
Amrap 20 200-m run21/30-cal. row40 air squats
Lees meerSunday 260622
For time 30-20-10Power cleans 30/42.5Lateral hops over the barbellAlternating barbell lungesLateral hops over the barbell
Lees meerThursday 230622
Amrap 9 9 deadlifts 70/102.53 wall walks
Lees meerWednesday 220622
10 rounds for time 10 KB swings 16/2410 dumbbell thrusters 10/15
Lees meerTuesday 210622
For total reps: EMOM14 Min. 1 | :30 box jumps 24/30Min. 2 | muscle-ups
Lees meerMonday 200622
On a 10:00 clock for reps: 2:00 double-unders2:00 sit-ups1:30 double-unders1:30 sit-ups1:00 double-unders1:00 sit-ups:30 double-unders:30 sit-ups
Lees meerSunday 190622
3 rounds for time: 200-m dumbbell farmers carry 12.5/1515 knees-to-elbows10 dumbbell overhead walking lunges 12.5/15
Lees meerSaturday 180622
Amrap 25 50 calories row50 dumbbell snatches 15/22.550 abmat sit-ups50 wall-ball shots 14/20
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