Berichten door Dennis Tanamal
Monday 230123
Heavy Day For load: Bench press 3-3-3-3-3 Shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3 Push press 3-3-3-3-3
Lees meerSunday 220123
On a 1:30 clock x 5 sets 10 toes-to-bars10 deadlifts 35//52.5 Max unbroken hang power cleans Rest 1:00 between sets
Lees meerSaturday 210123
Partner WOD Amrap 20 50 calorie bike100 KB swings 24/3220 wall walks Split work as needed; 1 partner works at a time
Lees meerFriday 200123
For time: 21-15-9-15-21 Calorie rowChest-to-bar pull-ups
Lees meerThursday 190123
18.1 & 18.1A On a 12:00 clock For time & load 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of Dumbbells squats 15/22.5Bar-facing burpees For load 1-rep-max clean
Lees meerWednesday 180123
Amrap 15 1:00 handstand hold1:00 L-sit15 shoulder presses 30/42.515 medicine ball straight leg sit-ups 14/20
Lees meerTuesday 170123
HEAVY DAY 7 sets for load 5 strict weighted pull-ups 5 strict weighted ring dips
Lees meerMonday 160123
Amrap 8 2 alternating single-leg squats2 box jump-overs 20 inch4 alternating single-leg squats4 box jump-overs6 alternating single-leg squats6 box jump-overs Continue adding 2 reps to each movement until time expires
Lees meerSunday 150123
For time with a partner 1600-m run1200-m stone carry 20/271600-m run Split the runs in 200-m increments.Split the carry as needed
Lees meerSaturday 140123
3 rounds for time 30/40 calorie row20 deadlift 70/102.510 burpee pull-ups Rest 1:00 between rounds
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