Berichten door Dennis Tanamal
Wednesday 050423
Amrap 12 400/500 m row 15 pull-ups 10 overhead squats 35/52.5
Lees meerTuesday 040423
5 rounds for time 15 Dumbbell box-overs 15/22.5kg/ 20/24inch200 m run Use two DBs for the box-overs
Lees meerMonday 030423
HEAVY DAY Front squt + back squat 7 sets for load 1 front squat + 3 back squats
Lees meerSunday 020423
TEAM WOD For time with a partner 30 snatches 35/52.5kg30 synchronized bar-facing burpees24 snatches 42.5/62.5kg24 synchronized bar-facing burpees18 snatches 47.5/70kg18 synchronized bar-facing burpees12 snatches 55/85kg12 synchronized bar-facing burpees
Lees meerSaturday 010423
For time 10 wall walks800/1,000-m row10 wall walks
Lees meerFriday 310323
Amrap 30 800-m run40 walking lunges20 med ball sit-ups 14/20lbs100-m dumbbell farmers carry 12.5/15kg Use two dumbbells for the carry
Lees meerThursday 300323
For time 21-18-15-12-9 Jumps-to-target 25cmGoodmornings 20/30Ring rows to parallel
Lees meerWednesday 290323
3 rounds for time 37/50 calorie row25 bench presses 42.5/62.5
Lees meerTuesday 280323
EMOM 16 Min. 1 | 10/15 cal assault bikeMin. 2 | 3 clean and jerks Choose a moderate to heavy load and increase weight as needed for the clean and jerks
Lees meerMonday 270323
2 sets Amrap 3 100-m run10 pull-ups Amrap 3 Freestanding handstand hold Rest 2:00 between sets
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