Berichten door Dennis Tanamal
Sunday 300723
EMOM 24 1: Strict knees-to-elbows2: Handstand walk3: Legless rope climbs (starting seated on the floor)4: Rest Score is highest average rep per exercise
Lees meerSaturday 290723
TEAM WOD For time with a partner 50-calorie row50 box jump-overs 20/2450 deadlifts 55/8550 wall-ball shots 14/20lbs50 ring dips50 wall-ball shots50 deadlifts50 box jump-overs50-calorie row
Lees meerFriday 290323
3 rounds for time Run 800 m30-m bear crawl30 Russian KB swings 24/32
Lees meerThursday 270723
7 rounds for max reps 1:30 to accumulate 4 shoulder presses 42.5/92.54 front squats4 thrusters Amrap lateral burpees over the barbell 1:30 rest
Lees meerWednesday 260723
Amrap 8 8 left-arm single-dumbbell front-rack step-back lunges 15/22.5kg8 right-arm single-dumbbell front-rack step-back lunges48 double-unders
Lees meerTuesday 250723
BENCHMARK Tabata Something Else For reps Tabata pull-upsTabata push-upsTabata sit-upsTabata air squats No rest between Tabatas; complete all four in 16:00
Lees meerMonday 240723
Crossfit Games 2015 Event 5 Heavy DT Amrap 12 12 deadlifts 65/92.59 hang power cleans6 push jerks
Lees meerSunday 230723
10 sets for reps :20 ring rows body parallel to the ground:10 rest:20 hand-release push-ups:10 rest:20 air squats:10 rest Score = total reps all sets
Lees meerSaturday 220723
TEAM WOD For time with a partner 30 toes-to-bars2400m run30 toes-to-bars2400mrun30 toes-to-bars
Lees meerFriday 210723
HEAVY DAY Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 every 2:00 for 10 sets
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