Tuesday 071220

A = Power Power snatch build up to a heavy single max time 15 3 min rest & transition time to B B = Conditioning AMRAP 8 8 power snatches @ 60% of A 8 box jumps @ 30/24″

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Sunday 061220

Team 2 WOD Amrap 26 one works the other rests 30 deadlifts @ 80/55 20 handstand push ups 30 ring rows 20 burpee box overs

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Wednesday 021220

A = Power Push press build up to a heavy triple B = conditioning 4 x Amrap 3 rest 90sec 5 push press @ 70% of A 10 chest to bar pull ups

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Tuesday 011220

A = Power Thruster build up to a heavy triple B = conditioning 5 Rounds for reps 30sec thrusters @ 60% of A rest 30sec 30sec rowing kcals rest 30sec max time 10min

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