Archief voor december 2019
Tuesday 311219
DT ”something different” Amrap 20 12 deadlifts 62.5/42.5 9 hang power cleans 62.5/42.5 6 push jerks 62.5/42.5 one works while the other rests
Lees meerMonday 301219
Team 2 WOD one works other rests Amrap 12 12 overhead squats 45/30kg 12 synchronized bar facing burpees 12 thrusters 45/30kg 12 synchronized bar facing burpees
Lees meerSunday 291219
3 Rounds for time 8 bar muscle ups 20 pistol squats 8 hang power snatches 65/42.5kg
Lees meerSaturday 281219
A = 15 min Handstand walk practice B= 3 Rounds for time 15m handstand walk 60 double unders 20 KB swings 24/16kg
Lees meerFriday 271219
Amrap 20 5strict pull ups 12 push ups 30 walking lunges
Lees meerThursday 261219
Lees meerWednesday 251219
Lees meerTuesday 241219
Team 2 WOD for time: 40 snatches 30/20kg 32 toes to bar 28 snatches 40/27.5kg 32 toes to bar 16 snatches 50/35kg 32 toes to bar 4 snatches 60/42.5kg 32 toes to bar one works other rests
Lees meerMonday 231219
5 Sets for QUALITY!!! 8-12 handstand push ups 3-5 muscle ups Rx+ = 8 HSPU and 3 muscle ups for time max time 20
Lees meerSunday 221219
A Front squat heavy triple Build up to a heavy triple B Amrap 9 6 power cleans @ 60% of A 6 front squats @ 60% of A 6 chest to bar pull ups
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