Archief voor november 2019
Wednesday 201119
Amrap 18 8 strict handstand push ups (Rx+ = deficit) 20m double kettlebell walking lunges (20/12kg per hand) 5 bar muscle ups
Lees meerTuesday 191119
11-7-3 power cleans 75/47.5kg 21-15-9 strict ring dips
Lees meerMonday 181119
Team 2 WOD 50-35-20 front squat 65/45kg bar facing burpees strict pull ups
Lees meerSunday 171119
5 Rounds for time 12 deadlifts 100/65kg 16 push ups (Rx+ = Strict HSPU) 20 sit ups (Rx+ = weighted sit up)
Lees meerSaturday 161119
A = Overhead squat Build up to a heavy single, then: EMOM10 5 overhead squats @ 70% B = EMOM12 odd: 5 shoulder presses @ 65% of A even: 13/9 calorie row
Lees meerFriday 151119
27-21-15-9-3 toes to bar hang squat snatch 35/22.5kg
Lees meerThursday 141119
Team 3 WOD 200/170/140 assault bike calories 180 KB swings @ 24/16kg 150 box jump overs 24/20inch switch every 30sec. cut off 30
Lees meerWednesday 131119
A = 4 rounds of 15m goblet lunge walk @ 20/12 12 box step ups @ 20/12 8 per leg box pistol rest 1min cut off 11 B = 100 wall balls for time every minute on the minute for 20 minute start with 20 double unders remaining time wall balls 20/14 till 100
Lees meerTuesday 121119
Every 5min for 25min: 30sec chin over bar hold 10 strict pull ups 15 kipping pull ups 10 kipping chest to bar pull ups 5 bar muscle ups
Lees meerMonday 111119
4 Rounds of 3 min of: 3 rope climbs (Rx+ = legless) 15 box jump overs 24/20 12 hang power snatches 40/30 rest 2min
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