Archief voor oktober 2019
Thursday 311019
Amrap 19 19/15 calorie row 19 DB clean and jerks 22.5/15kg 19 pull ups
Lees meerWednesday 301019
Amrap 20 6 bar muscle ups 45 double unders 6 front squats 70/47.5kg 45 double unders
Lees meerTuesday 291019
27-21-15-9 deadlifts 80/50kg ring dips toes to bar
Lees meerMonday 281019
In 5min 50 pistol squats 30 burpees 10 hang power cleans 60/40kg Rest 3min Do 3 sets total If they finish before the 5min mark, they get to rest longer.
Lees meerSunday 271019
3 Rounds for time 800m run 40 thrusters 20/15kg* 20 chest to bar pull ups *If they put the bar on the ground during the set, they have to take a 5 rep penalty.
Lees meerSaturday 261019
3 Rounds for time 50m stone carry 55/40kg held on chest/stomach 100m farmer’s carry 24/16kg per hand 40/32 assault bike calories or 57/45 calories row
Lees meerFriday 251019
Team 2 WOD Amrap 21 800/700/600m row 120 double unders 60 wall balls 20/14lbs
Lees meerThursday 241019
3 Rounds for time 3 rope climbs 15 handstand push ups (Rx+ = deficit) 15m double KB overhead lunge walk 24/16kg per hand
Lees meerWednesday 231019
For time 5 cleans 50/35kg 10 toes to bar 5 cleans 60/40kg 10 toes to bar 5 cleans 70/47.5kg 10 toes to bar 5 cleans 80/55kg 10 toes to bar 5 cleans 90/62.5kg 10 toes to bar
Lees meerTuesday 221019
Amrap 14 4 muscle ups 10 burpee box jump overs 24/20inch 16 dumbbell snatches 22.5/15kg
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