Archief voor augustus 2019
Sunday 110819
30/25 assault bike calories 50 back squats 50/35kg 30/25 calories assault bike 20 muscle ups 30/25 calories assault bike
Lees meerSaturday 100819
Team 2 WOD 5 rounds for time 40 push presses 45/30kg 40 kettlebell swings 32/24kg 400m run (together)
Lees meerFriday 090819
3 Rounds for time 20 chest to bar pull ups 8 hang power cleans 70/47.5kg 30 pistol squats
Lees meerThursday 080819
Amrap 15 20 push ups Rx+ = ring dips 20 abmat sit upsRx+ = hollow rocks 3 rope climbsRx+ = legless
Lees meerWednesday 070819
For time 50 box jumps 24/20inch 50 overhead squats 35/20kg 50 dumbbell snatch 22.5/15kg 50 thrusters 35/20kg
Lees meerTuesday 060819
5 Rounds for time 9 toes to bar 5 bar muscle ups 3 deadlifts 120/90kg
Lees meerMonday 050819
4 Rounds for time 500m row/1500m assault bike 10 atlas stone to shoulder 55/43kg 14 box step ups 22.5/15kg
Lees meerSunday 040819
EMOM16 3 snatches @ 65-75%1RM + max reps burpees over the bar
Lees meerSaturday 030819
Team 3 WOD 300 wall balls 20/14lbs 240 calories assault bike 180 pull ups
Lees meerFriday 020819
Amrap 20 50m farmer’s carry (24/16kg per hand) 4 Rope climbs Rx+ = legless 65 double unders
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