Archief voor juni 2019
Wednesday 120619
WOD A Accumulate 30 muscle ups or 90 hollow rocks + 90 arch rocks + 90 banded pullovers + 30 ring dips WOD B 150/120 calories for time
Lees meerTuesday 110619
Strength Workout A) Overhead squat 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 @ 75%1RM 3sec hold at the bottom of each rep B) Deadlift 8-8-8 @ 84%1RM
Lees meerMonday 100619
Pinkster Team WOD
Lees meerZondag 090619
Rest day Time for other things then crossfit. Spend time with the family or friends. Make a beautiful walk through the woods, on the beach. Anything else then CF. Have fun!
Lees meerZaterdag 080619
Team 2 WOD 10 Rounds for time 10 pull ups 7 handstand push ups
Lees meerVrijdag 070619
6 Rounds for time 21 wall balls 20/14lbs 21 calories row
Lees meerDonderdag 060619
Amrap 17 6 bar muscle ups 9 power snatch 65/42.5kg 12 box jumps 30/24inch
Lees meerWoensdag 050619
6 Rounds for time 40 double unders 50m suitcase carry 32/24kg
Lees meerDinsdag 040619
Amrap 14 12 one legged squats 8 hang power clean and jerks 50/35kg 8 burpees over the bar
Lees meerMaandag 030619
7 Rounds for time 2 stone to box clean 55/43/35/27/20/med ball 12 toes to bar
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