Archief voor mei 2019
Vrijdag 310519
21-15-9 wall facing kipping handstand push ups 42/35-30/25-18/14 calories assault bike
Lees meerWoensdag 290519
5 Rounds for time: 3 cleans 80/50kg 15 box jumps 24/20
Lees meerDinsdag 280519
EMOM30 1st: 18/14 rowing calories 2nd: 17 russian swings 32/24kg 3rd: 3 legless rope climbs
Lees meerMaandag 270519
Amrap 14 6 power snatches 60/40kg 8 burpees over the bar 35 double unders
Lees meerZondag 260519
Team 2 WOD Amrap 17 21 push presses 65/42.5kg 9 stone to shoulder 55/43/35/27/20kg/med ball
Lees meerZaterdag 250519
For time 1 mile run 100 pull ups 200 push ups 300 squats 1 mile run
Lees meerHow-to Homeschool Yourself
As mentioned previously, there are poor women and men in every career. Our press may help bring knowledge of these types of projects, in order that others may also learn from their store. People from the start the wants beyond. You just simply have to be better in regards to the other applicants to realize…
Lees meerVrijdag 240529
12-1 reps strict pull ups 1-12 reps deadlifts 120/80kg no time component, for quality!!
Lees meerMLA Promotion Plan on Heated Hauce
It should answer no matter whether Texas Pete can stay a popular choice to consumers in a constantly growing market by using a series of recent marketing and publicize efforts and a regained strategy in positioning and branding. In terms of singing and individuality, Texas Pete is supporting, and, all at once, Texas Pete is…
Lees meerDonderdag 230519
Amrap 12 12 toes to bar 6 weighted pistols 24/16kg
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