Archief voor april 2019
Dinsdag 090419
Amrap 12 3 squat clean and jerks 80/50kg 3 legless rope climbs
Lees meerCollege Mid Term Papers’ the Inner Workings
Sometimes, decisions are forgotten. A quarrel has lots of components. As mentioned at the start of the next bit, there’s a continuing argument about using nuclear energy. If your subject of choice is a query, think of addressing it instantaneously. 5 paragraph composition subjects aren’t confined to anything, as such a thing may be coped…
Lees meerMaandag 080419
5 Rounds for time 6 muscle ups 50 double unders
Lees meerZondag 070419
4 Rounds for time: 5 stone to shoulder 55/43/35/27/20/10kg 25 wall balls 20/14lbs
Lees meerZaterdag 060419
Team 2 WOD 10000kg back squat 6000kg bench press first finish of back squat then bench press
Lees meerVrijdag 050419
EMOM20 Odd: 14/9 assault bike calories M: > 85 RPM, W: > 75 RPM Even: 3-5 strict handstand push ups
Lees meerDonderdag 040419
800m run rest 3min 600m run rest 2min 400m run rest 1min 200m run rest 5min 6 x 100m sprint @ max effort walk back rest
Lees meerWoensdag 030419
5 Rounds for time: 8 bar muscle ups 15 weighted sit ups 10/5kg
Lees meerDinsdag 020419
21-15-9 front squats 60/40kg burpees over the bar
Lees meerMaandag 010419
Amrap 15 1,2,3,4,5, etc shoulder press 45/30kg 3,6,9,12,15, etc push ups 10,20,30,40,50, etc double unders
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