Archief voor maart 2019
Maandag 040319
50 front squats 60/40kg 40 overhead squats 50/35kg 30 thrusters 40/27.5kg
Lees meerZondag 030319
Team 2 WOD 3 rounds for time: 800m run together 500m row each * deadlift hold 80/55kg *While buddy 1 rows, buddy 2 holds a deadlift (80/50kg). If they drop the bar before the row is finished, both buddies must perform 10 burpees each before continuing.
Lees meerZaterdag 020319
5-3-1 legless rope climbs 9-6-3 squat snatch 60/40kg
Lees meerVrijdag 010319
Amrap 21 45 double unders 15 wall balls 20/14lbs 14 dumbbell snatch 22.5/15kg
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